Western Bird Banding Association
Welcome to WBBA!
The Western Bird Banding Association (WBBA) is a registered, non-profit organization of ornithologists & naturalists focused on ecological research through the study of banded birds - one of three such regional bird banding associations in the US. Founded in 1925 to provide structure to the novel technique of banding birds, WBBA has played an important role throughout the history of American ornithology.
We advocate for all bird banding stations in the Western USA & Latin America to network for joint standards and protocols, promote educational and community outreach, maintain the strict ethical standards and training for capturing and banding wild birds, as well as the purposeful gathering of banding data for use in peer-reviewed, published, and accessible research in order to inform science-based conservation efforts.

The WBBA website provides a wealth of information about WBBA, bird banding, and ornithology in general. We suggest browsing freely or using the tabs at the top of the page to navigate, where you can:

>> learn about WBBA & its long, storied history
>> see some of the work that we do
>> meet our Board Members
>> learn why bird banding is such an invaluable scientific tool
>> find opportunities to band birds
>> join our membership & get involved in WBBA
>> read our journal - the North American Bird Bander (NABB) - from 1950 to today!
>> find out about our seminars and meetings
Found a tag or a tagged bird?
Report it to the
and get a Certificate of Appreciation!

Now, more than ever - birds need our help.
“There are still many unsolved problems about bird life, among which are the age that birds attain, the exact time at which some birds acquire their adult dress, and the changes which occur in this with years. Little, too, is known about the laws and routes of bird migration, and much less about the final disposition of the untold thousands which are annually produced.” ― Paul Bartsch
Check out the new webinar recordings in Video Presentations on the Resources tab

The Western Bird Banding Association (WBBA) is a California tax-exempt 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation (EIN 51-0189732). We rely on donations to study, monitor, and conserve birds & their habitats. We happily accept donations - online through Paypal, or alternatively as checks made out to the Western Bird Banding Association.
Click to donate online:
Or mail a check to:

1657 W Yaquina Dr
Post Falls, ID 83854
Get Involved
Banding birds is an unforgettable way to cultivate environmental stewardship, to learn about ecology, and to get involved in real biological research! Many banding stations around North America are open to visitors & volunteers. Click here to find one near you!